Once again, I underestimated Silvia's enthusiasm for our project and within a week I had received a video of her singing a beautiful lyric to my tune. The original recording was played in the key of E, which is not her key, but the professional recording skills of her partner, Rodrigo, proved easily equal to the task of digitally changing the key of the recording to G and mixing in Silvia's vocal. The result is extremely pleasing to us and we hope it will be to you. The original Into The Red recording was made at 'The Bunker' studio at Coverack in early 2001. The musicians were: me (Pete Turner) - guitar, Max Turnbull - piano, Claudia Colmer - double bass and Pip Harbon - drums. It was engineered by Jess Carter and Dave Lucas, mixed by Jess, Dave and me and the producer was also me. Anyway, here's the new version. I shall post the lyric as soon as we've finished translating it!
Lyrics added 17th September 2011
(Peter Turner/ Silvia Nicolatto)
Tinta rubra nas
paint on the pillars
Um museu vaidoso
A vain museum
Na calçada gente caminha
On the pavement
people walk
Um céu multicor derrama(desenha) raios
A multi-coloured Sky casts broad sunbeams
Sol reflete a luz no vidro espelhado
Sun reflects the light on the mirrored glass
Na calçada gente passa sem poder parar
On the pavement walk people, unable to stop
veloz quer ter voz inspiração
fast pace wanting of a voice, of inspiration
uma flor renasce na calçada
asfalto frio
a flower reborn on the cold asphalt pavement
vida continua fim do
dia passa o cartão
life goes on, end of the day, punch the clock
Ando na avenida meu amor me dá a mão sem
medo sem ter preocupação
I walk along the avenue, my Love takes my hand, without fear, without
Brinco de encontrar luises prá poder te dar
I look for things “luis” to amuse you
rumo sem direção
No special place to go, no
special direction
andar sobre pedras
walking on cobbles
desliza o asfalto rio sobre os pés
the asphalt flows, a river over (under) my feet
meu amor me acompanha andando juntos vem me
dar a mão
my Love strolls with me and comes to take my hand
os carros
se aquietam o dia vai
the cars calm down, the day draws to an end
meu amor
me espera
Love, wait for me
contar as histórias
tell ing the
o olhar um paradeiro novo
revealing to the eye a new place
to stop
meu amor me acompanha andando juntos vem me
dar a mão
my Love strolls with me and comes to take my hand
os carros
se aquietam a noite cai
the cars calm down, night falls
meu amor me espera
my Love, wait for me
da janela inventa a retina registrando
from window the retina invents and records
Brigadeiro de colher na esquina
Brigadeiro in a spoon
on the corner
Ando a rua inteira em um dia
I walk the entire street in a day
Só colhendo imagens
Simply gathering images
prédios casas poucas cafés
houses, a few coffee shops
horário apertado
tight schedule
metrô lotado
bus and subway crowded
gente motos
ruas cheias multidão
motorcycles, full and crowded streets
uma flor renasce na calçada
asfalto frio
a flower reborn on the cold asphalt pavement
vida continua fim do
dia passa o cartão
life goes on, end of the day, punch the clock
Ando na avenida meu amor me dá a mão sem
medo sem ter preocupação
I walk along the avenue, my Love takes my hand, without fear, without
Brinco de encontrar luises prá poder te dar
I look for things “luis” to amuse you
rumo sem direção
No special place to go, no
special direction
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